The GI was granted to protect the quality and reputation of the Cornish pasty and to stop people being misled by pasty makers who trade off the value of the name without producing a genuine product. The status is given after a rigorous process to ensure that products have a genuine reason for protection.
The pasty industry is very important to the Cornish economy. The largest manufacturing sector, pasty-makers generate approximately £300 million of trade per annum and employ over 2,000 people. Many of these jobs are year-round, full time, permanent positions.
There are strong links between pasty production and local suppliers of the ingredients too – as much as £15m is paid to Cornish farmers for ingredients for pasties, equivalent to over 5% of the total farmgate value of Cornwall’s farm produce.
Pasties are sold in virtually every village and high street in the county and therefore support and uphold the local shops that are often the hub of communities and a lifeline for those without transport. Many bakers shops say their existence depends on the pasty.
Pasty producers also sustain other local service industries such as engineering and transport.
The GI helps people to distinguish a genuine Cornish pasty, whilst improving the sustainability of a vital Cornish industry.
Anyone looking for a genuine Cornish pasty or with questions about a particular product, as well as pasty-makers, retailers and wholesalers can call us on: 01872 865101 or email [email protected]