Cornish Pasty Week returns for its third year with another week-long celebration dedicated to one of the world’s favourite foods, running from Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 29th February.
After its debut last year, the quest to find the world’s fastest crimper continues. Open only to crimpers from bakeries producing genuine, certified, Cornish pasties, this is for the crème de la crème of crimping. The hotly contested heats will take place at Heartlands in Pool on Monday 24th February, where fingers will be flying as each contestant crimps as many Cornish pasties as they can manage in three minutes. If last year’s heats are anything to go by, that’ll be around 16-17 pasties. Impressive!
The finalists from the heats will then have to hold their nerve until Saturday 29th February, when they will go head to head on the main stage at the World Pasty Championships at the Eden Project to find out who will be this year’s champion.
If you’re an eligible baker and would like to enter your crimper(s), click HERE for the rules and entry form.